The IoT Design Deck was included in the ADI Design Index 2023, the catalogue of Italian design excellence. We are very proud of it! This is our page on the ADI Design Index 2023
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The IoT Design Deck was included in the ADI Design Index 2023, the catalogue of Italian design excellence. We are very proud of it! This is our page on the ADI Design Index 2023
Leggi tuttoOn 3 and 4 November 2022 our team was invited to the Push UX Conference 2022 in Munich. We were present in the exhibition area during both days, while our break-out session “Design connected things & services with the IoT …
Leggi tuttoOn Nov 3 at 15:00 we will run a breakout session at the Push UX conference in Munich During the session, we will introduce the IoT Design Deck Method and how it helps in the design of a connected …
Leggi tuttoOn the 11th of June come and join us for a workshop to test the IoT Design Deck with the authors! The workshop will be held at the RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts headquarters (via degli Ausoni 7 …
Leggi tuttoOn May 4th 2022, from 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm, discover, together with the authors, the IoT Design Deck, a method for the Human-Centered Co-Design of connected products and services! IoT Design Deck is a method that uses Design Thinking …
Leggi tuttoThe IoT Design Deck is available for sale. You can get your copy through Eurilink or IBS. If you are a student or a young designer you can write to for a special discount. Get your copy and start …
Leggi tuttoThe IoT Design Deck was used during a workshop, held at the University of Fine Arts in Rome in March 2022, focused on exploring the new scenarios enabled by IoT and AI. The toolkit was used to design and prototype …
Leggi tuttoOn 17th January 2020, the IoT Design Deck workshop was hosted during the second day of the “Face to Face Training Sessions for the Italian Learners” organized by the Mu.SA Erasmus+ project at Link Campus University in Rome. The meeting …
Leggi tuttoOn the 24th and 25th of October 2018 our team was invited to the two days IoT Ideation Expert Workshop organized by the Chemnitz University of Technology, during which several co-design methods for the IoT were tested and compared to find the …
Leggi tuttoThe workshop “IoT Design Deck – a method for the co-design of connected products” took place at the Maker Faire 2018 – The EU Edition, on October 12th and 13th at the stand of the Link Campus University. It was an …
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